Arduino tinkering day 0 to 1: Getting the bits together

A while ago the Little Printer got quite famous on the internet. A small thermal printing device let’s you print your favourite stuff from the internet, like sudokus, weather forecasts and tweets. A lovely gadget that comes at a high price in closed system.

A while later doro stumbled across Little Printer’s website again and then found someone who copied the concept and build one by himself, using the microcontroller Arduino. Starting from there we found several similar builds and even one with an amazing documentation to it, complete with programs and building instructions, done by the folks at

the stuff that’s going on.

I had such great plans. They were crushed one after the other with more or less effect.

The biggest thing was my university restating their statement of „you have all of the points“ to „actually nah, you’re still missing some“. For a week I ran around like a depressed headless chicken before finding a way to get those points.

Then I wanted to start some arduino stuff involving printers and such but I forgot to order the appropriate connection thingy to plug the board into my PC. I went to a store to buy one with just about 40 degrees fever.

Which leads to my constant state: I’m having a strong fever for about two days now. Yesterday I basically couldn’t leave the bed. I still did, to run to my university for the application for my missing points, but in hindsight this wasn’t a good idea, even while drugged with a gram of paracetamol.

So here I’m sitting, having a list of stuff I need to and want to do and all I can think of is „cough cough“, „sneeze“ and „my brain hurts“.

Even this little entry here made my brain hurt. I stop now.

Why I don’t use SEO. And never will.

Today my comments spam filter showed me this comment:

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. (link removed for spammy shittiness)

Yadda yadda.

such good seo
SEO SEO SEO such good