Once in a while I put my camera’s memory card into the computer to see what happened to accumulate on there.
As none of the things is near complete or interesting on its own, I just cram everything in here. Consider this an instagram post.
Last Friday morning was marked by heavy fog in and around Berlin. Lovely, I basically smiled the whole way to work. Reminds so much of Ireland.
„I need this.“
„And this.“
Korean tapas at a place serving Korean tapas. „Transit“ was the name I think. Great to try so many different things, although some could have packed a bit more heat.
Valentine’s Day Spare Ribs at Escados Steak House. A weird place because the interior decoration is straight from the nineties, mimicking a Spanish (?) rustic place, with lots of paper stones and fake wood. The meat is really good there, the sides are okay, I guess most people like their coleslaw with lots of mayonnaise. I don’t.
More interesting post featuring a printing microcontroller and a trip to the Baltic Sea will follow when I feel like it.