What I’ve been up to.

My pace got slower. Barely two posts in two months.

It is not that I was lying on the couch, watching cats and petting netflix. Quite the opposite. 

The house has been our main occupation on weekends these past weeks. Wallpapers needed to be pulled down, door frames were sanded off, meetings were had. I dug up a huge ass fence post that was so well buried it would have survived an atomic bomb. But not me.


Now the professionals are coming in and our part in the house work is reduced for a moment. We will use the time to attack the garden and get it barbecue ready.


We’re growing chillies now at our window sill at work. Every single day they grow a bit further. I tried to timelapse the events with my GoPro but it failed me during the night. I could only capture this short bit throughout the day.



The attempt to visit the overcrowded c/o opening resulted in a long and fun night involving many drinks, chicken wings, an extended game of pictionary and the visit of an old berlin kneipe whose occupants seemed puzzled by our arrival. A great night, resulting in a massive hangover. Good times.



And said hangover was fought in the Himmelbeet, an urban garden renting out planters to people to allow them to grow their own vegetables in the city. Their Kartoffelsuppe was one of the best I ever had.

I do have many ideas for upcoming posts, but not the energy yet to actually bring them to life. I want to tell you about Doro’s new way of making crunchy, great bread at home, I want to nerd a bit about gear for photos and for cooking, I want to tell you how great my new coffee machine is and I want to show you more from the house. All that will happen at one point.

But next up we will travel to France, to celebrate some religious thing to mark the entrance of a child into adulthood and make it a full payer of church tax or something. We use this as an excuse to meet some extended family and go for a hike in the French part of Germany (or the German part of France).

Then in the beginning of May we will hit the re:publica for the second time. I will definitely blog about that.

So see you then, I guess.