This Post is Gulasch

What do you do when you have a ton of ingredients and no the energy to create a dozen different dishes? Gulasch. Everything in one pot, cooked slowly, yum! This is what this post is. 

I just checked – the last time I wrote here was about Madeira and the fancy wedding we attended. That was in earlier this year and now we are already in a month later than earlier this year. What happened? I’ll try to go through it chronologically.

First up, we went to Japan, for my second time, and we brought Max along, for his first time to leave Europe. We had two weeks to visit Tokyo, Osaka and Hiroshima. It was amazing because of everything. I wrote lots about my love for Japan in this post, still, I’ll repeat it here. Japan is the dog’s bollocks (I learned that expression from Simon Pegg in a YouTube video I watched during breakfast and I will use it now extensively and often wrong). Japanese food as served in Japan must be some of my favourite food in the world. I love the food culture that oscillates between give me food quick and don’t talk to me and please watch as I prepare this food in front of your eyes with skill and time and then please enjoy for the next two hours. I will now list foods that I had: Takoyaki, Ookonomiyaki, Sushi (with my all time favourite charred flounder), Gyu Don, Curry, Matcha everything, White Sesame ice cream, Black Sesame ice cream, avocado tofu (O.M.G. that is the dog’s bollocks (see, I did it again)), freshly prepared tofu, ramen (please somebody open a shop in berlin that comes close to the ramen at ishiran ramen), soba, and sashimi. Of course, Japan has a ton of cool things that make it worth the trip – but the food alone… not a day goes by that I do not remember the food there. At the time of writing this, Doro is in Tokyo for work and probably had the best ramen today and I am green with envy. 

Here are some photos from Japan. Please look at them. 

Japan is so pretty at night. 
Amazing Japanese Street Rap and Beatbox
This is in Kamakura where the city blends into the forests around the temples.
Kamakura has a beach with jellyfish.
I brought like 30 or so bags of single use pour-over coffee portions with me and use them in the office to avoid the capsule wasting machines.
Insta Ice
I want Family Mart or Lawson’s or 7/11 to come to Europe and open 24/7 shops everywhere that sell good stuff. I once won in Hiroshima a carton of Sake in a lottery game. The woman behind the counter did not speak English but tried to get me to reach into a thing that looked like a carton trash can. Max had turned her down before me, but as I am much more adventurous I reached in and got a lottery ticket for Sake. On another day I won a lighter. #winning
Did I mention how much I like nights in Japan for photos?
#night #pretty #photography #japan #likeylikey
This is Osaka at night from the roof of our hostel.
This is Osaka at day in front of our hostel looking at the hostel.
On the run in Nara, maybe running from or towards deer.
Oh Deer!
Night. Pretty. Lights. This time with Doro and Max.
Ishiran Ramen (here in Hiroshima). The Dog’s Bollocks. The broth is so thick the spoon stands on its own, the noodles are cooked to perfection and the thinly sliced meat is tender and delicious. Note how there is no corn in there? And no minced beef? Ramen shops in Berlin, please take note. Also please build a shop with these cubicles so I can eat in peace and don’t have to interact with anyone. It is perfect. 
Hiroshima memorial with the worst possible t-shirt print for the occasion. 
Last night in Tokyo on the roof of one of them old skyscrapers. 

After Japan, we went back to Berlin, Doro had lots of work to do, I had lots of work to do and so we both ended up doing lots of work. The most notable event of that period was a quick trip in a rented bulli, a VW T3 camper, to Brandenburg. We jumped into lakes and woke up with the sunrise (the camper got hot in the sun and cold at night) and it was overall a lovely experience. We even found a camp site that was not separated into distinct plots and that felt a bit more organic and fun. 

The only photo I took of the camper. 

At work, I did a thing I hadn’t done before: I conceptualised, planned and gave a workshop on video production for researchers. It was a ton of fun and I’m thinking now about doing more of it. I don’t know whether I’ll do that at my current work, or as a free lancer, I’ll see. What you will see is me on YouTube soon because I will also join the group of researchers talking about research on YouTube. Stay tuned, whatever that means. I’m sure it will be the dog’s bollocks. 

I wanted to write about thoughts I have on social media right now. Twitter is a mess and everyone is joining mastodon and I did, too, but I can’t be fucked right now to dive into that mess. Maybe I will do that later, either here or in my radio show Antenne Am Abend, which you should listen to. I announce it on my insta and on twitter. It happens every now and then in the evening, has music and me talking about things, like a radio show but with less skill. 

I am thinking about using this blog a bit more again. I am fed up with platforms and restrictions right now, so I’ll give microblogging on my blog a try. Tune stayed.

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